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Account Set-Up & Management
I am having difficulty signing in. What do you suggest?
I am having difficulty signing in. What do you suggest?

If you receive an error message that says username or password is incorrect, please check the following:

Updated over a week ago

If this is a student account, confirm that you enter the correct Track My Progress account number or select the correct school name from the drop-down list. The account number is the same for all students at a school.


This field requires you to enter your school or district email address. If your email address is not being recognized during the sign-in process, it could be that your school or district administrator has not created a user account for you.


Track My Progress passwords for staff are case-sensitive. Passwords for students are not case-sensitive. If you have forgotten your password or are unsure you are using the correct one, you can create a new one by clicking "Forgot your password?" from our sign-in page.

Difficulty resetting your password

The Track My Progress Reset Password email will have a button that says "Reset Password." Instead of clicking that button, copy the link in the picture below in orange. Open a new web browser window and paste this URL into the address bar. Be sure to copy all of the web addresses from the email. Hit enter or return on your keyboard and follow the prompts to enter your new password twice. If none of those strategies enabled you to sign in successfully, please contact us by phone (800-294-0989 x2), by email ([email protected]), or by online chat.

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