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Account Set-Up & Management
Information on account settings and user privileges
44 articles
How do I create a student account?
How do I change a student account?
How do I import my student roster?
What do teachers need to do to get their account ready for the new school year?
How do I change student usernames during the import process?
How do I update my student accounts and classes for the new school year?
How do I archive a student account?
What is the difference between archiving a student account and deleting a student account?
How do I delete more than one student account?
How do I restore deleted student accounts?
How do I move a student account to a different school?
How do I move a group of students to a different school?
How do I import my student roster for a district-wide implementation?
What is the Student ID field on the district import sheet?
How do I assign students to multiple classes when I import my student roster?
What are the different types of educator user accounts?
How do I create a staff account?
How do I sign in?
How do I import my staff roster?
How do I assign teachers to more than one class during the import process?
How do I assign a staff member to more than one class?
How do I change the class assignments for a staff account?
How do I change the administrative type of a staff account?
How do I restrict staff members from making changes to our Track My Progress school or district account?
How can I save my school account number in the web browser so students do not need to type it when they sign in?
How do I assign a staff member to more than one class during the import process?
What are the different user privileges for staff administrative accounts in Track My Progress?
How do I restrict the time of day that tests are available?
How do I set the cut scores for the proficiency categories?
Why do we have the option to modify the cut scores for the green, blue, red, and yellow performance category indicators?
Should we change the default cut scores for the color categories?