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Can you give me an overview of how I can use Track My Progress data to improve learning?
Can you give me an overview of how I can use Track My Progress data to improve learning?

Once a student has completed an assessment, you can view data instantly by signing in to your Track My Progress account. 

Updated over 8 months ago

You will be able to use data to guide your educational decision-making by answering important questions:

  • Which students are at risk for school failure (universal screening)?

  • What are my instructional groups?

  • How can I differentiate my instruction for each student?

  • Are my students making the expected progress?

Universal Screening

Upon signing in to your account, you will see your students' percentile scores for Common Core Math. You can use the pull-down menu on the top left to switch to ELA. You can also use the pull-down menu to select specific Common Core domains. The screen below shows the 25 students for this grade three class sorted by scale score. The three students in red at the bottom of the screen have been identified as at-risk for school failure in math. These students are below the cut score that defines a score as at-risk for this school or district. The six students in yellow have scores that have been identified as borderline. The blue scores are on grade level, and the students in green are above grade level. Your school or district administrator defines the cut scores for these categories.

Instructional Groups

These same categories, at-risk, borderline, on grade level, and above grade level, can be used to inform your instructional groupings. For small group instruction, you can organize your groups based on the color of their scale score. These scores and groupings will differ for each Common Core subject and domain. If you are planning an instructional block for Geometry, you can click that button in the left column to see the scores and groups for the Geometry domain. The colors are guideposts for your groupings. Other data sources should inform any groupings for a fuller picture of student needs and capabilities.

Differentiating Instruction

There are two data analysis techniques to apply to Track My Progress data to differentiate instruction for your students. The first is by using the diagnostic feature of Track My Progress to see your students' overall strengths and weaknesses. The second technique is test question analysis, which provides you with a very concrete view of what your students do or do not understand for each Common Core domain.


Click the Profile button at the top left of your screen. This changes your data view from instructional groupings and universal screening to a diagnostic view of student strengths and weaknesses. The default view represents the overall strengths and weaknesses of your entire class defined by Common Core subjects and domains. Generally, for medium to large classes, you will not see major differences between the Math domains or between the ELA domains as you might for an individual student. If you do see a domain for your overall class that is markedly lower than the other domains for that subject, then this indicates a specific weakness for your class relative to the national average. This may indicate a gap in the curriculum for the current or previous years. Or maybe your class has not engaged with curium from that domain at this point in the school year.

You can see the diagnostic strengths and weaknesses of an individual student by entering the name in the search box at the top right. Here, you will find more variability between domain scores than you probably saw for the entire class. Some students may have relatively balanced scores which do not indicate relative strengths or weaknesses. With other students, you are likely to have some very specific relative weaknesses and strengths.

The profile scores represented in the graph below indicate a profile that is generally on grade level. Overall, Math is at the 60th percentile, and overall, ELA is at the 46th percentile. The diagnostic view shows that Fractions are at a much lower level than the other domains. For ELA, the comprehension scores are relatively lower as the domains for Informational Texts and Literature Texts are quite a bit lower than the other ELA domains.

Test Question Analysis

Track My Progress is a transparent assessment, which means that you can drill into your data to see the test questions your students worked on, including the answers that they provided. This helps make the bridge from the abstract scale scores to the concrete reality of the kinds of problems your students can and can not handle. To see more information on the specific domain performance of a student, follow these steps:

  1. When viewing the profile graph for a student, click the lowest domain score or test date for that score.

  2. This will bring you a page with the test questions for that domain.

The above screen represents the six Fraction questions the student was tested on. The table indicates the standard for each test question as well as the difficulty level, time to complete the question, and whether the student answered the question correctly, incorrectly, received partial credit, or skipped the question.

  1. Click on the blue arrow at the right to see the actual test question and the student's answer.

The test question view lets you see exactly what concepts or problems did and did not challenge the student. You can click Show Student Answer to see how the student answered the question. This gives you a window into their thinking and the nature of their misunderstanding of the concept.

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