This feedback is sent directly to the test development team for the respective Track My Progress test and is used to refine test questions, develop new test questions, and determine when a test question needs to be removed from the test. We appreciate your comments and suggestions and the role they play to continuously review and improve our assessments.
To provide feedback on a test question, follow these steps:
Click on the student's name
Select the student's name who saw the test question for which you would like to leave feedback.
Select the + icon
Click on the + next to the test that has the question.
Click the blue arrow
From the list of test questions, click the blue arrow for the question you would like to send feedback on.
Select Improve this Question
At the right of the screen, select "Improve this Question."
Add details
Leave your feedback or comments in the pop-up window. Please provide an example of a better way to assess the standard or how you would revise the existing test question to improve it.
Click Submit Feedback
Your feedback will be sent directly to the Track My Progress content editor for the appropriate test. Your email address and account number will be included in case we need to follow up with a clarifying question.