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Administering Assessments
Learn about the testing structure and how to support students
39 articles
Can my students take two screening assessments on the same day?
How do I permit a student to take two tests on the same day?
How do I change which assessment will be given next?
How can a Class Administrator change the order of Math and ELA Tests?
I only want to give my students the Track My Progress ELA assessment. How do I skip the Math Assessment?
A student did not complete her ELA test before the end of the test window. Would she be able to complete it in the new test window?
How do I delete a student assessment?
How do I administer high school assessments?
How do I adjust the starting grade level of an assessment for a student?
Before starting Track My Progress testing with my students, could you tell me what I need to know?
How is the order of assessments determined?
How can I take a demonstration test to familiarize myself with Track My Progress?
Do you have a checklist of things to do before we start testing?
How do I have students take Track My Progress assessments?
How do we test on the iPad?
Is there a script to read to students before testing on a computer?
Is there a script to read to students before testing with iPads?
How do you explain to a student why they are taking Track My Progress?
How do I print the sign-in cards for my students?
Is there a way to print all the student usernames and passwords?
Can students take practice Track My Progress assessments?
Do all of my students see the same test questions?
Are students allowed to skip a test question?
How much support can we give students during a test?
Can students return to a previously completed test question and revise the answer?
Can a student exit a Track My Progress assessment and return to it at a later time?
What computer skills are required for students to take a test?
How does a student access full-screen mode so they are not distracted by the computer desktop?
How much time does it take to complete a Track My Progress assessment?
How many times a year can a student test?
What are the months for each test window?
The test question text is running off the side of the screen, and the NEXT button is running off the bottom of the screen.
How do I leave feedback on a specific test question for the test development team?
Would you happen to have a parent letter we can use to explain what Track My Progress is?
Why did my student not get full credit on her cloze (maze) test questions?
Do students know if they got a question right or wrong?