Make sure your data conforms to the specifications for each Track My Progress field.
For example, you cannot have a hyphen in the staff first name field, and email addresses must be valid school email.
Create your spreadsheet of staff data
Create a spreadsheet with a row for each staff member that contains first name, last name, email, class name (if applicable), type of access, and school ID. Please refer to What are the different types of administrative user accounts? to help define the Access column. For information on importing staff into multiple classes, please refer to How do I assign teachers to more than one class during the import process? You can find the School ID by clicking on Schools from the My District page. Save your spreadsheet.
Click Administration
Click Staff
Select staff from the column on the left side of the page.
Click Import
Click Browse
Upon clicking BROWSE, you will be prompted to locate your spreadsheet. Locate your spreadsheet and click Open.
Check the 'File Contains Headers' option if needed
If your spreadsheet has header rows, click the check box at the top left of the screen. Use the pull-down menus to match column headings to the data. Click Check at the bottom right.
Any errors or duplicates will be highlighted in red. Hover your cursor over the red field to see a description of the nature of the error. Click CANCEL, return to your spreadsheet to correct the error, and repeat the process.
Click Import
If there are no errors, select Import to upload your roster.