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How do I import my student roster?

A school administrator can import student accounts into the school's Track My Progress account.

Updated over 7 months ago

Follow these steps to upload your student roster.

Ensure your data is formatted properly

Check that your data conforms to the specifications for each Track My Progress field in your spreadsheet. For example, you cannot have a hyphen in the first name field, and usernames must be at least three characters.

Prepare your import file

Prepare a spreadsheet with the student's first name, last name, username, password, grade, and class to be assigned. Student middle initial is an optional field. Please refer to the chart above for requirements. Please refer to this article for information on importing students to multiple classes. Save your spreadsheet in a CSV format.

Sign in

Log in to your Track My Progress account and Click Administration at the top of the page.

Click Import

Click Browse

Locate and choose the csv that you have prepared for your import.

Check the 'File Contains Headers' option if needed

This should be selected if the top row of your file includes header labels.

Match each title to the corresponding column

The title is the information that Track My Progress requires to import your roster and create student accounts. The content is the data from the columns on your uploaded spreadsheet. If the titles and content do not match, select the appropriate title in the drop-down menus.

Click Check

If there is an error in your spreadsheet, it will appear in red and will need to be corrected and then uploaded again. If you are updating student accounts with a new grade level or class assignment, a warning will appear in yellow, letting you know how many accounts will be updated.

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