Generally, it is best not to have students take two assessments on the same day. Sometimes, because of fatigue, a student may score lower on the second test, creating the appearance that the skills on the second assessment are somehow weaker than those measured on the first assessment. For this reason, if a student tries to sign in and take a second assessment on the same day, she will receive a dialog that indicates no assessments are available.
To override this constraint, follow the steps below to permit students to take more than one assessment on the same day.
Click Administration
Locate the student account
Search for the student account in the search bar.
Click Edit
Once you have located and reviewed the student account, click the three dots at the far right of the row and select Edit.
Navigate the student account
Scroll to the bottom of the student account page.
Edit the assignment options
Under the heading "Multiple Screener Assessments on Same Day" change the pull down to Yes.
Select Save Student