Middle school students will no longer be assigned to just one class (i.e., their homeroom teacher). They will be assigned to multiple classes. When you upload your school roster, follow these steps to assign students to multiple classes.
Click Administration
Sign in to your account and click Administration from the top tabs.
Click Import
Select Import from the Students List page.
Create your student spreadsheet
Ensure that the Class column in the spreadsheet meets the specifications for adding multiple classes for an individual student. Use the | key in between class names in the column to add multiple class names. Make sure the class names match those on the staff import sheet as well. For example, if you import your staff roster with a class titled "mesa" and then import your student roster with the class name as "Mesa" it will create two separate classes for your school. The naming convention needs to be specific to avoid creating duplicate classes.
Upload your spreadsheet
Click "My File Contains Headers" if you included headers in your file. Make sure the data in the rows matches the column title and then press Check in the bottom corner.
Once your data is checked, press Import to import the student data into Track My Progress.
Consult the Student list in the Administration tab to confirm that the classes properly imported to each student account.